A National Nursing Workforce Strategy Is Being Developed in Australia

Announced in 2021, Australia's National Nursing Workforce Strategy is set to revolutionise health care nationwide. This strategy, aimed at addressing nursing workforce challenges and enhancing care quality, is particularly important to diverse groups, including older adults, people living with a disability, their carers, and allied health professionals. This article delves into the strategy's implications, potential benefits, and alignment with Tunstall's Connected Care and Health Services.

Key Takeaways:

  • The National Nursing Workforce Strategy is a significant initiative that aims to strengthen the nursing workforce in Australia, with implications for various stakeholders.

  • For people living with a disability and the elderly, the strategy could lead to improved health outcomes and quality of life, thanks to a more skilled and accessible nursing workforce.

  • Allied Health professionals and care industry workers can anticipate a more collaborative and efficient working environment, leading to improved client outcomes.

  • Tunstall's Connected Care and Health services can play a crucial role in the success of this strategy. These services enable remote client monitoring and care, helping to address workforce challenges, enhance client care, and improve the quality of life for clients and their loved ones.

  • The strategy presents an opportunity to build a more resilient healthcare system for the future, with Tunstall committed to supporting this initiative and contributing to its success.

The Importance of a National Nursing Workforce Strategy

The National Nursing Workforce Strategy (NNWS) in Australia is a comprehensive plan designed to address the challenges and opportunities in the nursing workforce. The strategy aims to ensure that Australia has a sustainable, highly skilled, and diverse nursing workforce that can meet the health needs of the Australian population now and into the future.

The strategy is underpinned by several key principles, including the need for a strong and sustainable nursing workforce, the importance of quality education and training, the value of diversity in the nursing workforce, and the critical role of nurses in providing high-quality client care.

The strategy also recognises the importance of data in understanding and planning for the nursing workforce. It proposes a comprehensive Primary Health Care Nursing Workforce Survey to gather robust data on Australia's largest primary healthcare workforce. This data will help underpin six national health strategies and contribute to the National Primary Health Care Data Asset.

The strategy also emphasises the need to grow the primary healthcare nurse workforce with quality student placements. It proposes establishing a nationally-funded primary healthcare nursing placement system for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Moreover, the strategy highlights the need to increase the diversity of the primary healthcare nurse workforce and recover the aged care nursing workforce. It proposes a national marketing campaign to enhance recruitment and retention of the primary healthcare nursing workforce and a campaign to rebuild confidence in the role of nurses in the aged care sector.

According to the Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, the strategy is a powerful tool for change. It is seen as a necessary step in raising the profile of nursing and midwifery to its much-deserved place as a valued and optimally utilised workforce supporting health and healthcare in Australia.

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Implications for People Living with a Disability and the Elderly

The NNWS is a significant initiative by the Australian government to address the challenges faced by the nursing workforce and ensure the provision of quality healthcare services to all Australians. This strategy has several implications for people living with a disability and the elderly, who often require specialised and continuous care.

One of the key objectives of the NNWS is to enhance the nursing workforce's capacity and capability to meet the Australian population's diverse health needs, including the needs of people with a disability and the elderly. By focusing on areas such as workforce planning, recruitment, retention, and professional development, the strategy could increase the number of nurses with the skills and knowledge to provide appropriate care for these groups, which could result in improved health outcomes and quality of life for people living with a disability and older adults.

The strategy also emphasises the importance of primary health care and community-based care, particularly relevant for people with a disability and the elderly. These individuals often face difficulty accessing healthcare services due to mobility or other barriers. By strengthening the role of nurses in primary healthcare and community settings, the strategy could make healthcare services more accessible and convenient for these groups.

Tunstall's products could play a crucial role in this context. We provide a range of telehealth and telecare solutions that enable individuals to manage their health and well-being from the comfort of their homes. These products could complement the efforts of the nursing workforce in providing care for people living with a disability and the elderly. For instance, Tunstall's telehealth solutions could allow nurses to monitor the health status of these individuals remotely, thereby reducing the need for hospital visits and enabling timely intervention in case of any health issues.

The NNWS could have significant positive implications for people living with a disability and the elderly. By enhancing the capacity and capability of the nursing workforce and promoting primary health care and community-based care, the strategy could improve the accessibility and quality of healthcare services for these groups. 

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Implications for Allied Health Professionals and Care Industry Workers

The NWSS is a significant development for nurses, allied health professionals, and care industry workers. This strategy aims to strengthen the nursing workforce, which will have a ripple effect on the entire healthcare system, including the allied health sector and care industry.

Allied health professionals, such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech pathologists, often work with nurses to provide comprehensive care to clients. With the strategy's focus on enhancing the skills and capabilities of nurses, allied health professionals can anticipate a more collaborative and efficient working environment, which could lead to improved client outcomes, as a more skilled nursing workforce can contribute to more effective interdisciplinary care.

The strategy could mean a more robust support system for care industry workers, particularly those working in retirement villages and similar settings. The strategy's emphasis on improving the distribution of the nursing workforce could address staffing shortages in these settings, ensuring that our clients receive the care they need when needed.

Moreover, the strategy's focus on fostering a culture of lifelong learning and professional development in nursing could inspire similar initiatives in the allied health and care industries. This could lead to a more skilled, adaptable, and resilient healthcare workforce ready to meet future challenges.

Tunstall's services, particularly our Connected Care and Connected Health solutions, can be crucial. Our technology-enabled care solutions can complement the enhanced skills of the nursing workforce, enabling them to deliver more efficient and effective care. For instance, our remote health monitoring services can support the strategy's goal of improving healthcare accessibility, particularly for clients living in remote and rural areas.

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The Role of Connected Care and Health in the Strategy

Tunstall's Connected Care and Health services can play a significant role in the success of the National Nursing Workforce Strategy and the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association's strategy. Here's how:

Addressing Workforce Challenges

The NWSS aims to address the challenges facing the nursing workforce in Australia, including the ageing workforce, the need for more nurses in rural and remote areas, and the increasing demand for complex care. Tunstall's Connected Care and Health services can help address these challenges by enabling remote client monitoring and care, reducing the need for the physical presence of healthcare professionals, and allowing for a more efficient allocation of resources.

Enhancing Client Care

The Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association's strategy emphasises the role of nurses in providing primary health care and managing chronic diseases. Tunstall's services can enhance the ability of nurses to provide these services by providing continuous, real-time health data, enabling early intervention and better management of chronic conditions.

Improving Quality of Life

Tunstall's services can also improve the quality of life for clients, their loved ones, and carers. By enabling remote monitoring and care, clients can stay in their homes longer, reducing the need for hospitalisation or institutional care, improving the quality of life for clients, and reducing the burden on loved ones and carers.

Building for the Future

As highlighted by Wolters Kluwer, the National Nursing Strategy is building for the future, focusing on areas such as advanced practice nursing and nurse-led models of care. Tunstall's Connected Care and Health services align with this future-focused approach, leveraging technology to enable new models of care and enhance the role of nurses.

Empowering Healthcare Professionals

The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing's mission is to empower nurses and other healthcare professionals to improve the health and well-being of all communities. Tunstall's services can contribute to this mission by providing healthcare professionals with the tools and data they need to provide better care and improve health outcomes.

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The National Nursing Workforce Strategy is a landmark initiative by the Australian government that seeks to address the challenges facing the nursing workforce and ensure the provision of quality healthcare services for all Australians. This strategy has significant implications for various stakeholders, including people living with a disability, the elderly, allied health professionals, and care industry workers.

For people living with a disability and the elderly, the strategy could lead to improved health outcomes and quality of life, thanks to a more skilled and accessible nursing workforce. Allied health professionals and care industry workers can anticipate a more collaborative and efficient working environment, leading to improved client outcomes.

As a leading provider of Connected Care services, Tunstall is committed to supporting this initiative. We invite you to learn more about our products and services and how they can benefit you or your loved ones. Please contact us for information. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it.

About the Author
Kathryn O’Neill
Kathryn O’Neill

Kathryn is Tunstall Australiasia’s Head of Operations and works closely with the Executive Team to support Tunstall’s teams and clients. With her background as a Registered Nurse, Kathryn is deeply passionate about the future of Connected Healthcare, digital transformation and client-centric care. She is a key driver behind Tunstall's unparalleled customer service, and constant improvement of quality care strategies across the business.

See all of Kathryn's articles.